Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a practice that helps us learn to quiet our minds so that the infinite, perfect light of enlightenment can flow through us. When you meditate you experience many things, including: joy, harmony, peace, stillness, ecstasy, laughter, certainty, courage, strength, and awareness. Read on to learn about some of the main benefits of meditation!

Improved cognitive function. Through meditation, your mind becomes razor sharp. You will find that your memory is better and that you can aquire new talents and abilities more easily. Meditation increases the length of time that you’re able to hold your focus. Improved concentration helps your brain to become more efficient!



Increased power. The place that you gain the most power is within your own mind. Stopping thought generates power and the longer that you can stop thought, the more power you gain. This power can help you to deal with the stress and difficulties in your life. Through meditation, you gain greater control over your emotions and find that you can better handle the ups and downs of life.

Expanded awareness. Meditation goes beyond just a daily practice. Meditation is an experience which shifts our awareness and changes the way that we perceive life. When we quiet our minds through meditation, we see that there are limitless possiblities. Each time you meditate, you create a stronger connection with the world of inner light and happiness that exists within you.



Greater happiness. Happiness has to do with how quickly you vibrate, and meditation is a process of speeding up the vibration. Meditation helps us free ourselves from mental states and concepts of self. As you meditate, you will find that you’re able to overcome fear and self-doubt. To meditate is to be happy!

All quotes reprinted or included here with permission from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism.