“Meditation is the journey to happiness.”

-Dr. Frederick Lenz, Rama


“Meditation is about becoming conscious of who you are, becoming happy, relaxing, slowing down, chilling out and learning to smile. It’s also about very profound things that are hard to express in words – about beauty, about being most excellent at everything, finding the perfect part of yourself, overcoming your self-destructive tendencies, overcoming depression, anxiety, nervousness, fears of all types and descriptions.
“It’s about being happy, being conscious, being free, and most of all about being who you really are.
“Meditation is a process of silencing your thoughts. When you meditate, you get in touch with the deepest part of yourself.”

-Dr. Frederick Lenz, Rama


“Meditation is the art of life. All of life is meditation. Meditation is not simply a practice. It is an experience, an awareness, a way of perceiving and also a way of life. All of life, from the personal point of view, is dependent upon our perception. When we can perceive life as it really is, then no emotional cloud or discordant melody from the world can distract us from our own original, perfect being. If we trace life back to its source, we find perfection.”

-Dr. Frederick Lenz, Rama

Benefits of Meditation

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All quotes reprinted or included here with permission from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism.