Taking Time for Yourself

Many times women focus their attention on taking care of others and making sure that others’ needs are met. In order for this to be sustainable, however, it is imperative that you first make sure your own needs are met. Without this, you will at some point run empty and lose the capability to give selflessly.

By filling in your needs first and continuously, you can have a well from which to pull to accomplish whatever it is that you set out to do at exactly the time you feel inspired to do it – whether that be caring for an ill friend, donating to a favorite charity, or going after your biggest dreams.



Rama, Frederick Lenz recommended that all of his students take time out for themselves. He spoke of time alone as one of the best ways to realize how wonderful you already are, to find stillness, and to come to know yourself. There are many ways to take time out in today’s busy world. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Dance like you’re one with eternity. Turn on your favorite music and lose yourself in the dance! There is nothing more freeing than becoming one with the rhythm.



“You don’t always have to be the winner, have everybody notice you. It’s fun to dance alone sometimes.” -Rama, Frederick Lenz

Spend time in nature. It is easier for the mind to be still and present away from crowds. You do not need take a far away trip. Take a walk at a nearby beach, park, or forest. Nature allows us to connect with ourselves and to remember what is truly important.

“Nature is our friend — trees, squirrels, grass, fields, meadows, oceans — without people. Hike. Walk. Stroll. Bike. Swim. Be in a still place and feel eternity. Have a great time. Just feel it.” -Rama, Frederick Lenz

Set specific times each day to meditate. Even adults need some “time out” from their own thoughts. 15-30 mins a day can be enough to clear your mind and start your mornings energized to take on the day.



“What you focus on you become. If you spend an hour or two a day meditating and focusing on light, then you will eventually become light.” -Rama, Frederick Lenz

Find a sport or type of exercise and practice regularly. Rama highly recommended martial arts for its dual effect – its ability to help you build personal power and fearlessness, while also strengthening the mind and body.

“If your intent is that athletics and sports are tools or devices to reach higher levels of mind, then your workout sessions become meditation.” Rama, Frederick Lenz

Make time to play – have fun! Be silly! Life is not meant to be lived seriously. Rama was well known for reminding his students to keep it light by interjecting humor in every opportunity. Even serious circumstances can be improved or overcome with less pain with a positive mindset and humor. Find a way to keep it light, in and out of life’s crazy moments.

Put a smile on your face. Don’t sit in the waiting room of life. Go do something, happily.”

“Buddhism is the study of how to be immeasurably happy.” -Rama, Frederick Lenz

Everyone is different and you will have to test which methods have the most powerful effect on you individually. The common thread is for you to have fun, be yourself, stay present, and most importantly – make time for yourself.

All quotes reprinted or included here with permission from The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism.